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モンゴルから日本へ ー若きエンジニアの挑戦ー 1/2





日本に来る前は、アンタスのグループ会社であるUMS(Unimedia Solutions LLC)で働いていました。 UMSでは日本とモンゴルの文化が混在していていました。その中で約3年間働いいて、日本とのコラボレーションから多くのことを学びました。 約5か月間の開発プロジェクトの仕事でアンタスと一緒に仕事をし、そのときは本当にアンタスで働き、日本に住みたいと思ったのがきっかけです。 そして、もう1つの理由は、自分のグローバルキャリア価値を最大限に高めたいということでした。

▼What made you want to work in Japan?

Before I came to Japan, I worked at Unimedia Solutions LLC. At Unimedia Solutions, Japanese and Mongolian cultures were mixed. I have been working at UMS for about 3 years and learned a lot of things from collaborating with Japan. I have been working alone in the developing project for about 5 months and at that time I really wanted to work in ANTAS and live in Japan. And another reason is I want to consider my global career and maximize my career value.



▼What did you want to challenge in Japan?

There are many things I want to challenge in Japan. First of all, my biggest challenge is to be good at Japanese. I thought that if I became fluent in Japanese, I would be able to study abroad in Japan, work at a company and live in Japan. The next challenge is to improve my  skills as an IT engineer. In the last few years in the world, the profession of skilled cloud engineers is increasing rapidly. So I want me to be one of them.


日本で働きたいと思っていたので、仕事が決まった時とても嬉しかったです。両親もとても喜んでくれました。 日本に来る1ヶ月前になり、日本に来て仕事をしたり、生活できるかわからなかったので、ちょっと不安と心配がありました。でも日本に来たあとで不安のことがなくなりました。

▼How did you feel when you decided to work in Japan? Did you feel uneasy?

I was very happy after I decided to work because I wanted to work in Japan. My parents were very happy.
One month before coming to Japan, I felt a little uneasy. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if I could come to Japan to work and live. But after coming to Japan, I was no longer worried.